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Eastern Woodland Indians

15. Northeast Indians decorated their moccasins with quillwork and beads.


(Credit: Title: Moccasins. Author: Lee Boltin. Date: 2019.

16. Click above to go to PebbleGo Next. On the right menu, click "Traditional Homes, Food and Clothing" to hear information about clothing used by the Powhatan indians. Information about clothing is at the end of the article. 


17. Early settlers made clothing by hand. They used wool from sheep, and also made clothing from silk, which they unwound from cocoons of silkworms. 


Men wore loose-fitting white shirts and knee-length pants called breeches. They often wore vests. Women wore long dresses that were tighter around the middle. Men wore hats and women wore bonnets. Boys and girls dressed similar to their parents.  


CREDIT: MPI / Archive Photos / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

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